Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Summer!

Did you see what Google put on their search page??
Wow. I don't know if that says summer to me, BUT.....who am I to argue with Google??

Proof that it truly has been a bad economy and a bad season, take a look at the article I got in the Wall Street Journal:

Scotts Miracle-Gro relies on Home Depot, Lowe’s and Walmart for nearly two-thirds of its revenue. But because consumers are still cautious about spending and, consequently, because the three box stores are not building stores at the rate they were several years ago, Scotts is exploring new markets to generate sales.
Markets like medical marijuana.
In a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article published June 14, Scotts CEO Jim Hagedorn says he wants “to target the pot market,” and other niche markets to boost his company’s sales.
To target marijuana growers, WSJ indicates Scotts would buy niche dirt companies that already exist rather than create its own line of branded products.
After a little research, I have learned that marijuana has no specific soil requirements. I am not sure how big that market is, but they provide orchid soil, violet soil, and cactus soil, so why not pot soil? What would you call it? Pot Soil? Pot Peat? Smokey Soil? Mary Jane Medium?


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