Monday, July 25, 2011

New 'puter

hard to be patient...waiting for Best Buy to email me and tell me it's arrived, my anniversary present. 
If you saw the way I have to upload photos for a post now, you'd laugh, I'm sure. It's pretty prehistoric as the current work computer has no memory card slot. Sheesh. 
My husband has helped so much, this season.
Another garbage can of manure arrived, along with a pile of chopped and dried corn stalks and a bag of peat and composted rice hulls. He took those out to the Impervious Pile of Grass yesterday and began the tremendously awful job of turning it, incorporating the greens with the browns. I have to return the manure bucket to Ronda, hopefully she'll bring it back full again! 
Soon, I will have a lot of compost for my deer resistant bed. 
**side note: I am still torn as to where to plant this new border. I am now thinking of creating a false corner bed, bringing the back of the yard visually closer?? **

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your new computer and anniversary!
    You should have that mean old compost pile whipped into shape in no time.
    The false corner sounds interesting. Love to see it when you get done- or whatever design you decide on. I love designing new beds! :)


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