Sunday, July 03, 2011

Dinner and Sunset in July

We cooked steaks last night. Rather, Jeff cooked steaks.

Wonderful. Everyone is home and we sat around watching taped 
baseball game and laughing and enjoying each other. 
Sunset, July 2, 2011

The sky truly looked like a sherbet punch, frothy and pastel colored.

We had salad with our steak and I went out to pick some fresh chives, but look what I found!
Do you see it??
Look closer!

Here they are!! The first tomatoes of the season!
TomatoBerry tomatoes, Genovese Basil, Greek Oregano and Titan Parsley. 
What a good day it was! I hope you found such great things in your day!


  1. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Dinner looked great! Loved your pics of the sunset. Would make a beautiful painting. Glad you were able to put the days cares behind and enjoy life.

  2. Yay tomatoes! I hope I get a tomato before frost! I'm so late with my garden! I'm just now getting flowers. Dinner looks Delicious buy the way!

  3. Those were gorgeous photos of the sky! Isn't it fun harvesting some of our food? I have a basil plant that I need to make some pesto with before it blooms.

    Thanks for your nice comment on my Tuesday post.


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