Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Beginning of the end

Today, Schatz is still in bed. She doesn't want to get up today. It is the first time in her short life that she has not bounded out of bed, ready to defend the yard from intruders. I don't know what to do, really.
How do you know when it is the end? A month and a half ago, she was diagnosed with large cell lymphoma.
Surely, the diagnosis was wrong! She was the same dog, out of control and excited about it all! Except for those large lumps...
Last night I found another large lump between her ears.
Now, today, she lies on the floor, unwilling or unable to move. There is a strange look in her eyes and my heart is breaking. Does she know?
What should I do? How can I help her?
If you have a four legged garden buddy, give an extra treat today and think of Schatz....


  1. My heart goes out to you, Sissy. This is such a sad situation. Our late dog Roco developed large tumors five years ago, at the age of 12, and they grew quickly. I didn't want to accept the diagnosis either--my daughter and I left the vet's in tears. We postponed the inevitable by giving him some painkillers the vet prescribed for a couple of weeks, and it helped for a little while. He got all his favorite treats during that time--hamburgers and whole blueberry muffins. But eventually it was clear he was suffering, and we had to call the vet. She was a dear and came to our house so that I didn't have to disturb Roco even further by lifting him in the car (he was a big dog) and he could be in familiar surroundings.

    It will be hard, but you will know when it is time. My thoughts and prayers will be with you, Sissy, and give dear Schatz an extra hug for me.

  2. Thinking of you and Schatz - I understand what you are going through! Take carex

  3. Hi Sissy...I can feel your pain through your words. We all love our faithful companions and it's so hard to know what to do at the end. I guess you will know when the time comes and do the unselfish thing for your pet. Hugs, Balisha

  4. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Thanks for the add. Your dog is magnificent. Sorry for the problems. I lost my Beagle some years ago to cancer and it was hard.
    Craig Outdoors


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