Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The sun was setting as we drove home from Grama's tonite. The sky was painted a coral, almost sherbet. The clouds hung around the sky like icing that was spread too thinly. The air was thick with dust kicked up by the hundreds of plowing tractors in the area, working late with lights on, desperate to get the rows planted before the rain.
It struck me just how midwestern the whole scene was.
Heck, we'd even had deep dish pizza for dinner.
Purple Prince Crab
bloomed May 7, 2011
Indian Magic Crab
bloomed May 7, 2011
Note to self: Plant a crab that blooms before or after these guys, will ya???
Lazy Gracie

I had to look very close to find the brilliant finches. They look just like the dandelions!

It's been very warm, here. It was 96 and the worst garden center I visit has one lady that tends the entire shop and it was headed towards disaster, in a hurry! I helped her unload the truck and got the manager to get someone to water. It was too late for over 12 of the larger shrubs. I found them behind the pile of pallets and they'd given up the fight. 
speaking of fight, please watch this video. It so much reminds me of my job!


  1. That sky is amazing and the finches so colourful. Those poor ducklings! I was relived to see the little family all get together again:)

  2. Well, I did leave you a comment on this post before blogger went haywire! I've lost 7 comments on my last post including yours. I think I said something like what a fabulous sky photo and what a lovely colour the finches are. Also love the film of the little ducklings so glad they all managed to stay together:)

  3. Beautiful sunset photo Sissy. That heat was tough to handle. I'm glad it's cooler now!

  4. Too funny, Sissy!

    96 degrees already--Wow. I don't know what I like least my 50 degrees or your 96....I think I prefer 50!

    What a lovely sunset.


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