Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Worth the money...

These little cloths are worth the $3.99!! They are incredible and cut my cleaning time in half!
You don't need any Windex or cleaner, you just dampen the cloth and start cleaning! I don't know how it works, but it cleaned all the mirrors, the computer screens and shower doors in my house. With one dampening! I have to get more of these! Thanks for the tip Mississippi Pam!!

This is what you get when you are adamant about NO GIFTS THIS YEAR!!

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  1. what lovely gifts - hope you had a wonderful day:)

  2. Flowers AND Candy? You're a lucky girl. Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. Happy Valentine's Day dear Sissy!! Awwww flowers and chocolates...what a lucky girl you are:-) Men never listen so you should have known he'd get you something! lol Hugs xoxo

  4. Thanks for the cleaning tip, Sissy. I will look for those on my next Wally's World trip.

    What a nice Valentine you have.


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