Friday, January 12, 2007

Two Gardeners: Katherine S. White and Elisabeth Lawrence is the Garden Book Club book for February. I haven't started it, yet, but I did buy it!
Can anyone recommend a book club that features gardening books?


  1. Sorry, Sissy, I can't recommend a book club...I haven't joined one for over 20 years! Hopefully someone out there will let you know about a good one where you can get gardening books!! Have a wonderful weekend my friend! Hugs xox

  2. Sissy,
    Check out this

    They have a gardening section.

  3. I bought the book. I can't believe that I'm going to read a gardening book, rather than just look something up quickly. Does this mean I'm really becoming a gardener?

  4. Hi Sissy! Thanks for visiting my blog & thanks for praying for me!

    I haven't belonged to a garden book club for years, which is pretty amazing since gardening is my passion.


I would love to hear from you and if you can leave a comment, I will visit your blog, too!