Monday, December 18, 2006

The last thing in the world I should be doing is sitting here!! The little one has to be at the vet for grooming, the post office, the library, (books waaaay overdue), the coffee house to solicit for fundraising....then off to Sam's with another mom to stock the concession stand.
We are having the family over for Christmas Eve, just apps and drinks because the Bears are playing and it's the Slacker in law. She won't watch her kids, they will tear up the house and she will be drunk by 3.
Merry Christmas!!
The good news is, we have some family and nothing in this house is more important than the boys. It's not their fault they aren't supervised!!
Got to go, have a good day!

I am a Bow

I don't think of it as the holiday season - I think of it as the present season!

1 comment:

  1. slacker-in-law..........hee hee.....I like that.

    Hope you have a good time in spite of the big obstacle.


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