Friday, October 18, 2013

Meet the New Guy

Here's Buddy!

Buddy was in a box of puppies that a farmer was drowning in the creek near the groomers 's place in the country.
Buddy has a clowning personality and he is a high energy individual that keeps me moving!
After work every day, I take him to the forest preserve to run run run.
I put a strange cut of meat in the crock pot before work and came home to this beautiful mess!


  1. What a cutie and he sure seems to be happy now that you rescued him. People can sure make me sick. Your meal looks wonderful.
    Cher Sunray Gardens
    Goldenray Yorkies

  2. Oh my, I didn't know people would still abandon puppies like this; how awful! Our first two dogs were abandoned and came to us from friends who had rescued the puppies; they brought us many years of joy. Buddy looks so happy here--so glad he found such a loving home!

  3. Buddy looks like a ball of energy! Dogs bring so much joy. I don't know what I would do without my problem "child," the fence jumper.


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