Sunday, January 08, 2012

Full Moon

To thine own self be true, and it must follow, 
as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.
William Shakespeare


  1. I always love seeing the full moon and love the light it sheds all around. We basically see it at the back of our cottage and property, where there are no street lights.


  2. There was a beautiful 'moonrise' at the back of my house this evening. I tried to photo it but not sure if it worked!!! Jx

  3. Anonymous1:30 PM

    There is an award waiting on my blog B.T.E. for you :)
    ~~peace & love & joy & blessings~~

  4. Fantastic photo, Sissy! The moon has been beautiful the past few days. One of my favorite quotes from good old Will.

  5. Such a great shot of the full moon. I just recently learned it's called a Wolf Moon, never knew that before! lol xoxo

  6. You know they all find an advertising gimmick. I take most of it with a grain of salt and generally go with the tried and true.

  7. Hi Sissy! Hasn't the moon been beautiful? Nice picture! Thanks for the comment on the frozen bubbles...looks like colder temps and snow for both of us this week!


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