Sunday, January 05, 2014

Winter Clothes

Here is a goldfinch in his winter colors.


  1. I have these little beauties in my garden, too. Until I learned they changed their feather color in response to colder weather, I thought they were a different type of finch. :o)

  2. We have these little guys but they're always elusive, high up in the trees. The only reason I know they're visiting is because I can hear their sweet chirping. Stay warm, Sissy and birdies. :)

  3. I recognize them in Summer but wouldn't have during the Winter. Hope you have a wonderful New Year.
    Cher Sunray Gardens
    Goldenray Yorkies

  4. They need winter jackets and winter colors! it is really cold here today (- 17) I remind myself that God cares for the birds of the air too!

  5. I know there are finches here in the winter, too, but I never can identify them without their bright yellow summer clothes. I'm hoping there are enough brush piles and shrubs to shelter them in this bitter cold. Stay warm!

  6. I am always amazed that birds make it through winter. It has to be tough being out there in that cold!

  7. Oh so sweet! Trying to get my blog up and running again. Having some technical difficulties. LOL Posting photos. I'll keep trying. Glad to see you are still here.

    Diane from Cottage Garden

  8. Hi from the farm lands of Winnebago County, IL. I guess I missed you. Gonna try to start posting again. Stop by my blog if you get a chance, I'm sure we have a lot in common.


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