Thursday, August 04, 2011

Like and a dislike

photoshopped Cosmos

tomatoes. not photoshopped. 
disgusting, I am about to swear off big tomatoes forever.


  1. I planted Early Girl this year --they're small, but they've all come out all right. I also planted a larger yellow (can't remember its name) but they are all still green.

  2. I love cosmos. Mine didn't come back this year so I bought some seeds. Your post reminded me to plant them. Fun photoshop pic!

  3. Of course I love the Daisy and it's sad about the tomatoes. Ask friends in your area that grow tomatoes what the best ones for you to get next year.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  4. I wish I could photoshop my cosmos outside! Mine are pretty ratty this year. Yours looks great!
    (tomatoes not so much so)

  5. The BW photo looks great. . . tomatoes not so much........I would probably swear them off, too.

    Oh, wait...I did swear them off about three years ago for the exact same reason!

  6. My tomatoes aren't rotting, but the big ones have the weirdest shape this year--almost like a bunch of big cherry tomatoes that grew together. The big ones often split before they're ripe, but 'Better Boy' usually is one that does well for me. Cosmos, though--one of my favorites! They're so easy, I don't know why I had never planted any until about two years ago.

  7. Anonymous10:08 PM

    uugh, nasty rotten tomatoes - but nothing - nothing better than a home grown 'mato!


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