Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Hero...

Here is the view of my lot, facing south. You see that giant mound way back there??
Look closely. It is the bagged grass clippings from 2 years of mowing. My landscape is new. I have no mature trees, no source for brown material. This pile of grass is impervious to rain and shovel.

Wait....Who goes there??!! (insert Mighty Mouse Music here...."here I come to save the day!"

What is hubby doing? Could it be??
Wait for it....
It is!! It is!! 
Cow manure! How exciting! He has saved the day!
I am not worthy! Real cow manure from real cows! It can defeat the impervious pile of grass!
Wait, Mister, we didn't get your can we thank you for saving us??
Just doing my job, ma'am. 
Can you get me some water and stop taking my picture??

Many thanks to Rose and Carl, who inspired this idea. And to Ronda, for putting cow manure in a garbage can and driving it to my house in 95° heat! Also, I huge helping of thank you to my hubby, for coming to my aid in time of slimy grass pile. And, for understanding how important this is to me....
Ronda, I think I need more!!


  1. Only a gardener can get excited with the delivery of fresh [or composted] poo! I love it!

  2. Yay! Stinky Gold!

  3. Almost better than diamonds...Balisha

  4. Lol, we gardeners are a strange bunch:) Kudos to your hubby for helping out! My son brings all his grass clippings to us, so I have a pretty big pile, too. I found if I turn it every so often, it decomposes much faster...of course, I'm not very good at taking my own advice:)

    Your plans for your new deer bed sound great, by the way. I planted some liatris for the first time this year, and it has certainly done well. Plus, I'm pretty sure it's deer-resistant, so that's another possibility.

  5. How exciting and what a nice husband! Do you think he is beginning to take an interest?

  6. You are creating hugelkultur! We put our slimy grass clippings in a low curving windrow instead of a big mound, and then added any and all compostables on top (branch prunings, kitchen waste, my failed plant experiments --- lots of dead plant material there) and let it all rot in place. You don't have branch prunings but the manure will go a long way. Turn it in, then let it sit! If you want fine crumbly compost to spread you'll need to keep turning it (way too much work) but if you want a new garden in one fixed place, put the clippings and manure there in the shape you want and let nature create rich soil.

    I did a post on hugelkultur in Nov.

    I like your superman hero!


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