Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I loves me a hard workin' man!!

You got to love a hard workin' man-but a
hard working thinking man really does it for me!!

Schatz is very interested in everything we do...

She doesn't dig, but she
keeps an eye on J's progress...

Looking West from the back deck!!

Look at the difference in our view, now!! I am sure that
will offer loads of privacy!

Tomorrow, the crabapples will come!!
One of these:

Malus ‘Indian Magic’

Indian Magic Crabapple

Zone 4–7. 15–20' H × slightly wider. Open irregular branching habit of great interest in winter; red buds open to showy deep pink, 1 1/2' diameter flowers; heavy production of small glossy red fruit changing to a standout orange and persistent until spring; good resistance to scab and rust; bloom is most spectacular of any crabapple we have seen, very noticeable from a distance; ranked on Father Fiala’s most favorite list of 24 crabapples.

Hey, if it's good enough for Father Fiala, it's good enough for me!!

and one of these:

Purple Prince Crabapple
Purple, becoming bronze green
Rose red
Maroon, 3/8"-1/2"
Disease resistance:
Scab: Excellent
Cedar-Apple Rust: Excellent
Mildew: Good
Fireblight: Good

I actually thought I purchased a white or yellow one, but I must be having a blonde moment. Jeff asks, "You bought a Purple Prince Crabapple and you thought it was white? Are you a dumbass?"

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